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Oily skin

Greasy skin leading to acne and inflammation

Over production of natural oils in the skin can cause pores to become clogged an, leading to inflammation and acne. Oily skin can be caused by genetic, environmental or lifestyle factors. Oil Production can also be caused by breakdown of the moisture barrier. At Dr Aesthetica we use Medical Grade Skin Peels and Microneedling to restore the balance of sebum production in the skin and reduce the appearance of acne and the associated scarring.

  • Alongside our treatments, our team also will assess what factors could be causing your oily skin and advise in ways to keep it under control
  • All treatments are performed by trained professionals with industry leading products
  • We have experience treating all skin types and tones
  • We tailor our treatment to your unique goals and requirements

Want to know more about how our team can help with oily skin? Get in touch today.

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What is Oily Skin?

Oily skin is simply the result of the overproduction of sebum. Under the skin pores, there are sebaceous glands that produce natural oils called sebum. This helps keep your skin hydrated and healthy. However, oily skin forms when your skin produces an excess amount of sebum, resulting in an increasing amount of build-up, which leads to acne, clogged pores and inflammation.

What Causes Oily Skin?

Genetics: Oily skin tends to run in families. If your family has a history of oily skin, you’re likely to have overactive sebaceous glands, too.

Weather: People living in hot, humid climates are more likely to have oily skin. That’s why people often complain of oily skin during the summer. Also, during this time, the oils on your face will be more likely to mix with sweat and clog your pores.

Wrong skincare routine: Oily skin can be brought on by using the wrong skincare products for your skin type. Washing your face or exfoliating too often strips away too much of the oil from your skin. This can cause your sebaceous glands to go into overdrive producing even more oil to make up for the loss.

How do I prevent oily skin?

The key to preventing oily skin is bringing the overproduction of sebum under control. For example, there could be an imbalance in the skin’s hydration, causing it to overproduce sebum when you wash your skin too much. In this case, to control the amount of oil you produce would require having a set skincare routine. On the other hand, when oily skin is caused by genetics or hormones, it’s can be challenging to prevent it

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my diet the cause for my oily skin?

Research shows that processed foods and those high in sugar can cause inflammation in the body, which harms the skin and stimulates the production of androgens which trigger sebum overproduction. In general, a diet full of too much sugar, dairy and gluten without enough healthy omega-3 fats, zinc, probiotics, vitamins A, C, E and protein can be attributed to acne and oily skin.

Are there Skin Treatments For Alleviating Oily Skin?

There are effective treatments available that can manage and control the over-production of sebum to keep the skin healthier, limit inflammation and the risk of associated conditions like acne breakouts. Here at Dr Aesthetica, we offer a range of treatments that address the underlying problems of blocked pores, excessive oiliness, and inflammation while improving the overall texture and health of your skin. Skin Peels and Microneedling are great examples of some of the treatment options we offer

What hormones cause oily skin?

Hormones and oily skin seem to go hand in hand. Androgens are the hormones mainly responsible for oil production, and sometimes they can fluctuate, stimulating an increase in sebum production. This often occurs during puberty, pregnancy, menopause or just before menstruation. Stress and illness can also trigger extra hormones to be released, resulting in oily skin.

Treatment for Oily Skin : Microneedling / Skin Peels

There is minimal downtime with our Skin Peels and Microneedling treatment. We will discuss the benefits, the whole procedure and address any concerns you might have during the appointment. An aftercare kit is also given post-treatment with instructions on how to use it.

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Dr Aesthetica, Unit 1, 1431 -1433 Bristol Rd S, Birmingham, B31 2SU
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