25th June 2023

What Causes Dark Spots on the Face?

Last Modified: June 23, 2024

What Causes Dark Spots?

Hey there! So, you might have noticed some dark spots on your skin or face, but we're going to give you some solutions! Before that let's discover why dark spots occur. There are a bunch of causes for dark spots, here are some of the most common ones:

First off, if you've been sunbathing, those UV rays can cause your skin to produce more melanin, which can result in some darker spots.

Also, if you've experienced any hormonal changes - due to pregnancy, menopause, or birth control - you might notice some spots appearing. This is called melasma or chloasma.

As we get older, our skin starts to thin out and lose some of its elasticity, which means it can't protect itself against the elements as well as it used to be able to, which can lead to dark spots popping up.

Acne can also cause some spots or scars, especially if it's not treated or if it's severe. Even skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis can cause some discoloration.

Furthermore if you've had any cuts or injuries, you might see some spots pop up as your skin heals.

Finally, some people are just more prone to developing dark spots based on their genetics. Even though you can't change your genetics there are many solutions available as we're about to discuss.

Spot the Difference: How to Tell Dark Spots from Freckles and Moles?

There are many different conditions that can appear on your skin and not everyone is an encyclopaedia of skincare so it may be hard to tell which is which. That's why I'm here though, so let me give you some tips to spot the difference:

Dark spots are usually caused by sun damage and appear as flat, brown, or black patches on the skin. They are more common in areas that get exposed to the sun, such as the face, hands, and arms. Dark spots are usually uniform in colour and are not raised or rough.

Freckles are small, flat, and light brown or tan in colour (depending on the colour of your skin). They are usually genetic and appear most commonly on the face, arms, and shoulders. Unlike dark spots, freckles can fade in the winter or with less sun exposure.

Moles are usually brown or black and can appear anywhere on the body. They can be flat or raised and have a smooth or rough surface. Moles are typically circular or oval-shaped and can vary in size. Moles can sometimes be an indicator of skin cancer, so it's important to track them for changes in size, shape, or colour.

dark spots on face

Why your Skincare Routine Could Be Causing Dark Spots on the Face?

Here's how your skincare routine may be causing your dark spots on your face:

Over-exfoliating the skin can cause irritation and inflammation, which can lead to dark spots. It's important to use exfoliating products in moderation and choose gentle, non-abrasive options.

Some skincare products, such as those containing certain acids or retinoids, can make dark spots worse if they are too harsh for your skin type. It's important to choose products that are appropriate for your skin type and concerns.

Sun exposure is a major cause of dark spots, and skipping sunscreen can make them worse. Always use broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

Skincare products can lose their effectiveness over time, so using outdated products may not get results. It's important to check the expiration dates on your skincare products and replace them if needed.

Skincare products also need time to work, and if you're not consistent with your routine, you may not see the desired results. Building consistency is difficult so we suggest you use a 2 min skincare routine every time you brush your teeth or shower and stick to that every day. It's only 2 mins after all, everyone can find 2 mins in their day.

skincare cream

This article was read and reviewed by the face of DR Aesthetica himself - DR Baldeep Farmah.

Other Skin Problems You May Want to Address?

Hyperpigmentation can also be caused by the factors suggested previously. If you want to learn more about hyperpigmentation click here.

How to Treat Dark Spots?

So I've told you what causes dark spots on the face. Now I know you're dying to learn about how you can treat your dark spots so I'm not going to keep you waiting any longer. Here is a solution you can try out if you're looking to :

  • Reduce the appearance of stretch marks, pitting and acne
  • Reduce fine lines
  • Combat dull skin and bring your skin’s glow back
  • Even skin tone and decrease hyperpigmentation
  • And Have glowing self esteem

If that’s the case then a stem cell Microneedling treatment may be for you, all of the above can be achieved with Microneedling. Additionally Microneedling:

  • Takes only 30-60 minutes
  • Has results which last up to 200 days
  • Is done with anaesthetic for a painless treatment
  • Has a downtime of only 24 hours

Feel free to contact us about Microneedling or to view more information on this procedure click here:

Post Reviewed by: Dr Baldeep Farmah
Medically Reviewed on: 25th June 2023
Dr Baldeep Farmah is the Medical Director and lead Doctor of Dr Aesthetica, a Medical Aesthetic Clinic.

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