Defying the Droop: Non-Surgical Facelifts for Jowls
In part 3 of the series, we discussed early-stage interventions to prevent jowls. In this part of the series, we will discuss the non-surgical facelift, which will help more advanced cases.
Generally, jowls are caused by the deterioration of skin alongside the loss of hypodermic fat. This begins to occur around middle age and worsens with time. However, there are cases where jowls develop earlier. Rapid weight loss, for instance, may lead to early and advanced jowling.
Of course, age and genetic disposition are still the greatest jowl predictors. While treatment and prevention go a long way to stop jowls, those especially predisposed to develop them—or who underwent dramatic transformation in body composition—may benefit from the non-surgical facelift.
What is a non-surgical facelift?
Well, that depends.
People all age very differently, and a non-surgical facelift is a tailored treatment plan to help rejuvenate the skin and restore youthful facial structure. Each person’s treatment plan will generally be based around a few therapies:
- Dermal fillers to restore volume to the face
- Botulinum (botox) injections to alleviate wrinkles and expression lines
- Skin rejuvenation therapies to promote the development of collagen and elastin
The exact nature of your non-surgical facelift will depend on several factors. Genetics play a large role, but some environmental conditions will also contribute to each person’s unique condition. Your aesthetician will devise a treatment plan just for you.
Previously in our series, we discussed microneedling and chemical peels—both great therapies to help create and strengthen collagen and elastin. They help rejuvenate and tighten the skin and alleviate a large contributor to your drooping face.
Dermal fillers help restore facial volume, which is the other main contributor to sagging jowls.
What are dermal fillers?
Dermal fillers are a variety of natural or synthetic biocompatible—safe to use—substances that help replace facial volume. They come in a variety of viscosities which help your aesthetician select one that will meet your needs and work well with your skin type.
Most, like Hyaluronic Acid, are naturally-occurring in the body. It’s the consistency of gel and helps treat fine lines that are just too deep for microneedling to help.
Some, like Poly-L-Iactic Acid, are synthetic, though biocompatible. PLIA is a bit thicker than Hyaluronic Acid and helps treat deeper furrows and more severe volume loss.
How do dermal fillers get rid of jowls?
Ageing is unique to the individual, so there is no one-size-fits all jowl treatment option. As we’ve discussed previously, jowls are ultimately the result of changes to the skin and underlying tissue. Your aesthetician will provide targeted volume-boosting treatments to the areas causing your jowls. There are several areas that are likely culprits where volume loss causes sagging jowls.
Dermal Filler for the Jawline
Targeting the jawline directly seems obvious. However, jowls are also the result of gravity. It pulls the skin down. Often what causes jowls occurs higher than where they ultimately develop.
Jowl interventions directly on the jawline typically occur further toward the ears, where the loss of volume loosens the skin. Interventions here can help plump up the lower cheeks, which will not only lessen jowls, but will also reduce the loose skin that pools on the neck.
Dermal Filler for Cheeks
There are two main areas in the cheeks where volume loss causes jowls: the area round the cheekbone and the nasolabial fold.
The cheekbones typically undergo the most radical volume loss during adulthood. The cheeks contain large pockets of fat, so when it burns away that skin has only one place to go: down. Restoring the volume around the cheekbones can not only alleviate jowling but can also help restore facial structure.
The nasolabial fold—commonly called laugh lines or marionette lines—run from the tip of the nose and around the mouth. Like the cheekbones, they undergo significant fat loss with age. They grow deeper and more pronounced all while contributing to the development of jowls.
Treating the cheekbones and nasolabial fold can dramatically improve jowls while getting rid of those laugh lines.
Dermal Filler for Lips
Closely related to the nasolabial fold, the area around the lips also contribute to jowling. The area around the mouth is one of the first places people begin noticing their face sag. The corners of the mouth begin to fall, creating not only jowls but also the impression of a permanent scowl.
Dermal fillers can alleviate both problems. They can also help get rid of the vertical lines that form above the lip often referred to as smoker’s lines.
Full Non Surgical Face Lift Treatment Near You
If you live near Birmingham, Dr. Aesthetica offers Full Face Lift treatments to:
- Tighten and lift sagging skin
- Rejuvenating tired-looking, ageing eyes
- Restore youthful facial contours
- Transforms a weak, receding chin
- Enhance your overall appearance
Our expert procedures are quick, provide long-lasting results, and have minimal recovery time.
Contact Dr. Aesthetica today to learn more or schedule your consultation!