16th September 2022

Natural Botox for Men - Don't Overdo it

Last Modified: July 26, 2024

Botox has become a very popular treatment among men, and for good reason. Many cosmetic clinics in the UK are now seeing a steady increase in requests from male patients for Botox.

We can attest to this trend in our own clinic. I think the only reason Botox seems to be more popular with women is that they are more open about the treatments they have had.

With 43% of adults in the UK increasingly seeing non-surgical procedures as a normal part of their beauty regimen, the popularity of Botox among men will only go up - many celebrities are even open about their Botox use.

However, we understand that some men are still on the fence about getting Botox.

If that's you below, we share two reasons why this should no longer be the case. We also provide men with a simple guide to ensure they get natural-looking results with Botox treatment without compromising on the results they want.

man pre Botox procedure

1. Medical Research Shows Botox Is Perfectly Safe

A recent study published by Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology journal concludes that Botox is an effective and safe medication for reducing facial wrinkles.

The study also states that botulinum toxin (Botox) generally does not cause permanent side effects associated with skin problems.

And this is just one of the many studies conducted over the past decade that demonstrate the efficacy of Botox as an anti ageing treatment.

As long as the injector meets the following three criteria, there is no need to worry.

  • Solid knowledge of facial anatomy
  • Application of the correct technique
  • Administration of Botox under aseptic (sanitary) conditions.

Hopefully, we have cleared up the safety aspect that might be a reason for hesitation in some men to get Botox injections.

Now let us take a look at another reason why men shouldn't be reluctant to take advantage of this fantastic anti ageing treatment.

2. Botox Can Improve Appearance For Men As Much Women

Although Botox has traditionally been more popular with women, various sources have shown that it is becoming increasingly popular with men as well.

In fact, men are probably opting for cosmetic procedures more often these days than you might think.

The pandemic and countless hours spent on Zoom has largely levelled up the gender distribution of non-surgical cosmetic procedures in recent years.

In 2020, U.K. Botox providers reported a 70 percent rise in requests from men for video consultations, with injectable procedures like Botox and fillers proving the most popular.

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons named this phenomenon 'the 'Zoom boom'.

Quickly, many men discovered that they could benefit from Botox just as much as their female counterparts.

Even though we have largely returned to our pre-pandemic lifestyles, many men who tried Botox have largely been keeping up with their injections.

Botox has become a 'gateway' to aesthetic treatment.

It can add a fresh look as well as take years younger, making you feel your best every day.

It's also one of the most accessible, affordable and easily administered treatments.

And when you consider that men are usually looking for quick treatments that look natural and require little to no aftercare, you can understand why. Botox ticks all the right boxes.

Hence what we now call "Brotox."

man having Botox

Male vs. Female Botox

Overall, men and women seem to concentrate on the same area of the face: the forehead.

Other areas include the elevens (between the eyebrows), crow's feet, bunny lines (the sides of the nose), and jawline.

Nonetheless, experts point out that Botox procedures may differ between men and women.

Generally speaking, men require more Botox than women to achieve a similar effect due to their greater muscle mass in the facial musculature.

In the glabellar area [the skin between the eyebrows], for example, an injector may start with about 15 units of Botox for a similar effect for a woman, while he may need 20 units for a man.

Also, we mentioned earlier that men tend to want a more subtle effect in this area.

So, the doctor might opt for a higher dosage per area in men, but inject a smaller surface area.

Based on anecdotal evidence, some physicians also believe that Botox wears off faster in men because of their metabolism, but this is more of a blanket statement, as we all know that everyone's metabolism is different, whether they are a man or a woman.

Finally, anatomical differences in the composition of the skin can also lead to differences in terms of reactions and complications.

Men typically have thicker skin with a higher collagen composition than women.

In addition, male skin tends to be more vascular, resulting in a higher complication rate of bleeding and bruising from Botox injections.

This leads us to our next point: How can men ensure they receive Botox safely and achieve a natural-looking result?

Botox for men

How to Get Naturally Looking Results with Botox 

In the past, most people preferred to have a total effect when they used Botox, even if that meant that they looked expressionless.

Today, most men prefer for their Botox to be subtle and not make them look like they have a frozen forehead.

1. Find The Most Qualified Injector

The success (or lack thereof ) of your Botox injection ultimately depends on the performance of your provider.

Botox is one of the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatments in the UK, which means there are many clinics offering this service.

It is up to you to choose the right one.

So it's worth researching and taking your time when choosing a specialist for this type of treatment.

Find out about the candidate's experience and credentials as well as patient testimonials.

If possible, get some visual examples.

The more information you can find about a particular Botox provider, the better because the most qualified specialists are willing to share this information with potential patients.

We wrote a blog on the Five Things to Consider Before Settling on a Botox Doctor

2. Ask Your Provider Plenty of Questions

If you're seeking a cosmetic dermatology procedure, you should think carefully about what you want to get out of it beforehand.

This is especially true for Botox treatment.

If you have a clear idea of the results you want, your specialist will be better able to give you only what you want and no more.

Once you find a solid injection specialist, do not be shy.

Ask them as many questions as you need to feel comfortable with the procedure and get their honest opinion.

When preparing for a Botox treatment, some of the most common questions are as follows:

  • How long will the treatment take?
  • How will it feel?
  • What are the potential risks and side effects?
  • What will I need to do after the procedure?
  • When can I expect results?
  • Can you guarantee natural-looking results?
  • Do you really recommend Botox or something else (or nothing at all)?

Also, do not be afraid to ask the doctor about their personal experience, qualifications, and why they became a Botox injection specialist in the first place.

The more you know before the treatment, the more comfortable you will feel, and do not forget to ask for before and after pictures.

If you see that the results are "frozen" faces, you may want to consider another doctor.

natural looking Botox for men

3. Make a Botox Plan with Your Doctor

Once you have decided on a provider, you should set up a Botox plan with them.

One of the most important aspects of creating a plan is to be clear about your goals and have realistic expectations.

Initial consultations often include a thorough examination of your face.

Your doctor will have you frown, smile, raise your eyebrows, etc.

They will assess where your problem areas are and how much Botox you need.

They will also educate you on the basics of Botox and give you your options, including treatments that have nothing to do with Botox.

Basically, you should not overdo it with Botox. The forehead, for example, is one of the most sensitive areas for Botox injections.

When an excessive amount of Botox is injected into the middle of the forehead, the outcome often results in exaggerated, arched eyebrows. As a man, you don't want that as it can have a feminising effect.

You should consider taking a gradual approach.

As every patient is unique and may respond differently to a given amount of Botox.

Rather than rushing headlong into treatment, it is advisable to first undergo a minimal treatment to see how your skin responds and how you feel about the results.

It's better to do too little with Botox than too much. If you feel that your injections were not 100 percent effective, you can always have more injections.

Keep in mind that it may take 2 to 4 weeks after Botox injection before you see visible results.

Botox for Men With Dr Aesthetica

Facial Masculinization Treatment Near You

If you live near Birmingham, explore our Facial Masculinization treatments to:

  • Define your jawline and chin
  • Enhance your brow ridge and forehead
  • Reshape your nose for a masculine look
  • Boost your confidence

Our expert procedures are quick, offer long-lasting results, and have minimal recovery time.

Contact us today to learn more or schedule your consultation!

Post Reviewed by: Dr Baldeep Farmah
Medically Reviewed on: 16th September 2022
Dr Baldeep Farmah is the Medical Director and lead Doctor of Dr Aesthetica, a Medical Aesthetic Clinic.

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